Saturday, March 28, 2015
Agile India Conference 2015 - Don't test your code
Agile India Conference 2015- Tales of (NOT) so successful DEV-OPS
Agile India Conference 2015- Techniques to speed up build pipeline
Key principles to speed up the build pipeline
- Focus on the bottleneck- pattern : file operations related
- Divide and conquer
- Fail Fast
Agile India Conference 2015: Test Driven Development of Infrastructure code in Chef
This presentation talks about test driven development of infrastructure as code.
TDD is all about writing test first and then writing the code.
Infrastructure code is code to build the infrastructure. It facilitates devops culture and help continuous delivery.
Agile India Conference 2015- Agile Infrastructure
This presentation talks about rolling your own platform as a service (PaaS) with Docker.
Presenter feels that the Agile manifesto should be ' Individuals and interactions supported by processes and tools, ' Work software supported by useful +valuable documentation, ' Customer delight via empathetic negotiations, Adapting to change when reality meets our plan'
Agile India Conference 2015- How BDD can Save Agile
Friday, March 27, 2015
Agile India Conference 2015- Agile Architecture - A contradiction in terms?
This is an experience report on Agile Architecture.
The best architectures, requirements and design emerge from self- organizing teams.
Epiphamy- It is essential for the architect to be connected to the code.
Team was facing problems related to following-
-Information used to be miscommunicated or getting lost. Architect used to work harder.
-Team friction- Different design values
Epiphany- It was necessary to develop design skills in the developers
Epiphany- Architect should be good leader.
Solution- Team formed scrum team where the architect, developer and all other roles worked together.
Architecting for Continuous Delivery
This short article will provide details about the various architecture specific requirements for good implementation of continuous delivery...
In this post, I will attempt to map the agile test practices to the continuous delivery practices. Some of these practices are related and ...
The main purpose of Staging of the Build is to get faster feedback from the Continuous Integration System. A programmer cannot wait for mor...